Il-Kategoriji kollha
Tea set

Dar /  Prodotti /  Sett tat-te

Hot sale of red modern ceramic tea set home gifts must be set of 4 tea set
Hot sale of red modern ceramic tea set home gifts must be set of 4 tea set
Hot sale of red modern ceramic tea set home gifts must be set of 4 tea set
Hot sale of red modern ceramic tea set home gifts must be set of 4 tea set
Hot sale of red modern ceramic tea set home gifts must be set of 4 tea set
Hot sale of red modern ceramic tea set home gifts must be set of 4 tea set
Hot sale of red modern ceramic tea set home gifts must be set of 4 tea set
Hot sale of red modern ceramic tea set home gifts must be set of 4 tea set
Hot sale of red modern ceramic tea set home gifts must be set of 4 tea set
Hot sale of red modern ceramic tea set home gifts must be set of 4 tea set
Hot sale of red modern ceramic tea set home gifts must be set of 4 tea set
Hot sale of red modern ceramic tea set home gifts must be set of 4 tea set

Il-bejgħ sħun tar-rigali tad-dar tas-sett tat-te taċ-ċeramika moderna ħamra għandu jkun sett ta 'sett ta' 4 te

Profil tal-Kumpanija

Shenzhen Tao Hui Industrial Co., Ltd. huwa manifattur ta 'kina tal-għadam, oġġetti tal-mejda tal-porċellana bajda, settijiet tat-te, tazzi tal-porċellana u fjuri tal-karti b'tagħmir tal-ittestjar mgħammar tajjeb u forza teknika qawwija. Il-kapaċità ta 'produzzjoni annwali tagħna hija aktar minn 70 miljun biċċa ta' porċellana ta 'kuljum.

Il-bejgħ annwali tal-esportazzjoni tagħna tal-porċellana huwa madwar USD12,000,000. Il-prodotti tagħna huma prinċipalment esportati lejn l-Istati Uniti, l-UE, ir-Russja, is-Sri Lanka, l-Awstralja u l-Afrika t'Isfel. Il-prodotti tagħna jikkonformaw bis-sħiħ mal-istandards ta 'Kalifornja. Il-mudelli u x-xejriet il-ġodda tal-mudelli tal-prodotti tagħna tal-prodotti tagħna rebħu t-tifħir tax-xerrejja f'pajjiżhom u barra. Kull prodott huwa l-kristallizzazzjoni tal-moħħ u l-arti.

product hot sale of red modern ceramic tea set home gifts must be set of 4 tea set143-49
1. Min aħna?
Aħna bbażati fi Guangdong, iċ-Ċina, nibdew mill-1994, inbigħu lill-Ewropa tal-Punent (40.00%), Oċeanja (20.00%), Amerika ta 'Fuq (10.00%), Suq Domestiku (10.00%), Mid East (10.00%), Asja tax-Xlokk (10.00%). Hemm total ta 'madwar 51-100 persuna fl-uffiċċju tagħna.

2. Kif nistgħu niggarantixxu l-kwalità?
Dejjem kampjun ta' qabel il-produzzjoni qabel il-produzzjoni tal-massa;
Dejjem l-Ispezzjoni finali qabel il-ġarr;

3.X'tista 'tixtri mingħandna?
Prodotti tal-porċellana

4. Għaliex għandek tixtri mingħandna mhux mingħand fornituri oħra?
1. Il-kumpanija tagħna għandha aktar minn 20 sena esperjenza mill-1994. 2. Ikollok tim R&D 3. Mgħammar b'park Industrijali f'Shenzhen, ħdejn il-port 4. Aktar minn 200 ħaddiem fil-fabbrika, il-ħin taċ-ċomb huwa realizzabbli 5. ISO9001

5. Liema servizzi nistgħu nipprovdu?
Termini ta 'Kunsinna Aċċettati: FOB, EXW, DDP, DDU;
Munita tal-Ħlas Aċċettata: USD, EUR, CNY;
Tip ta 'Ħlas Aċċettat: T / T, L / C, Unjoni tal-Punent, Flus kontanti;
Lingwa Mitkellma:Ingliż, Ċiniż
bi trej: 5kg 6PCS / CTN / 51 * 30 * 26cm / 30KG mingħajr trej: 3.5kg 9PCS / CTN / 41 * 27 * 19cm / 31.5KG
bi trej: 5kg 6PCS / CTN / 51 * 30 * 26cm / 30KG mingħajr trej: 3.5kg 9PCS / CTN / 41 * 27 * 19cm / 31.5KG
tazza set-2 u zlazi: 1.6kg 8PCS / CTN / 53 * 37 * 40cm
product hot sale of red modern ceramic tea set home gifts must be set of 4 tea set143-50
product hot sale of red modern ceramic tea set home gifts must be set of 4 tea set143-51
product hot sale of red modern ceramic tea set home gifts must be set of 4 tea set143-52
product hot sale of red modern ceramic tea set home gifts must be set of 4 tea set143-53
product hot sale of red modern ceramic tea set home gifts must be set of 4 tea set143-54
product hot sale of red modern ceramic tea set home gifts must be set of 4 tea set143-55
product hot sale of red modern ceramic tea set home gifts must be set of 4 tea set143-56
product hot sale of red modern ceramic tea set home gifts must be set of 4 tea set143-57
product hot sale of red modern ceramic tea set home gifts must be set of 4 tea set143-58
product hot sale of red modern ceramic tea set home gifts must be set of 4 tea set143-59
product hot sale of red modern ceramic tea set home gifts must be set of 4 tea set143-60
product hot sale of red modern ceramic tea set home gifts must be set of 4 tea set143-61

Ikseb Kwotazzjoni Ħieles

Ir-rappreżentant tagħna jikkuntattjak dalwaqt.
Isem il-Kumpanija

Ikseb Kwotazzjoni Ħieles

Ir-rappreżentant tagħna jikkuntattjak dalwaqt.
Isem il-Kumpanija


Għandek mistoqsijiet dwar il-kumpanija tagħna ?

It-tim tal-bejgħ professjonali tagħna qed jistenna l-konsultazzjoni tiegħek.

Ikseb Kwotazzjoni

Ikseb Kwotazzjoni Ħieles

Ir-rappreżentant tagħna jikkuntattjak dalwaqt.
Isem il-Kumpanija

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