Il-Kategoriji kollha
Tea set

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Modern housewife with the same creative cute pattern tea set home hospitality ceramic teapot tea cup set
Modern housewife with the same creative cute pattern tea set home hospitality ceramic teapot tea cup set
Modern housewife with the same creative cute pattern tea set home hospitality ceramic teapot tea cup set
Modern housewife with the same creative cute pattern tea set home hospitality ceramic teapot tea cup set
Modern housewife with the same creative cute pattern tea set home hospitality ceramic teapot tea cup set
Modern housewife with the same creative cute pattern tea set home hospitality ceramic teapot tea cup set
Modern housewife with the same creative cute pattern tea set home hospitality ceramic teapot tea cup set
Modern housewife with the same creative cute pattern tea set home hospitality ceramic teapot tea cup set
Modern housewife with the same creative cute pattern tea set home hospitality ceramic teapot tea cup set
Modern housewife with the same creative cute pattern tea set home hospitality ceramic teapot tea cup set
Modern housewife with the same creative cute pattern tea set home hospitality ceramic teapot tea cup set
Modern housewife with the same creative cute pattern tea set home hospitality ceramic teapot tea cup set

Mara tad-dar moderna bl-istess sett tat-te tal-mudell ħelu kreattiv sett tat-tazza tat-te taċ-ċeramika tal-ospitalità taċ-ċeramika

Profil tal-Kumpanija

Shenzhen Tao Hui Industrial Co., Ltd. huwa manifattur ta 'kina tal-għadam, oġġetti tal-mejda tal-porċellana bajda, settijiet tat-te, tazzi tal-porċellana u fjuri tal-karti b'tagħmir tal-ittestjar mgħammar tajjeb u forza teknika qawwija. Il-kapaċità ta 'produzzjoni annwali tagħna hija aktar minn 70 miljun biċċa ta' porċellana ta 'kuljum.

Il-bejgħ annwali tal-esportazzjoni tagħna tal-porċellana huwa madwar USD12,000,000. Il-prodotti tagħna huma prinċipalment esportati lejn l-Istati Uniti, l-UE, ir-Russja, is-Sri Lanka, l-Awstralja u l-Afrika t'Isfel. Il-prodotti tagħna jikkonformaw bis-sħiħ mal-istandards ta 'Kalifornja. Il-mudelli u x-xejriet il-ġodda tal-mudelli tal-prodotti tagħna tal-prodotti tagħna rebħu t-tifħir tax-xerrejja f'pajjiżhom u barra. Kull prodott huwa l-kristallizzazzjoni tal-moħħ u l-arti.

product modern housewife with the same creative cute pattern tea set home hospitality ceramic teapot tea cup set-49
1. Min aħna?
Aħna bbażati fi Guangdong, iċ-Ċina, nibdew mill-1994, inbigħu lill-Ewropa tal-Punent (40.00%), Oċeanja (20.00%), Amerika ta 'Fuq (10.00%), Suq Domestiku (10.00%), Mid East (10.00%), Asja tax-Xlokk (10.00%). Hemm total ta 'madwar 51-100 persuna fl-uffiċċju tagħna.

2. Kif nistgħu niggarantixxu l-kwalità?
Dejjem kampjun ta' qabel il-produzzjoni qabel il-produzzjoni tal-massa;
Dejjem l-Ispezzjoni finali qabel il-ġarr;

3.X'tista 'tixtri mingħandna?
Prodotti tal-porċellana

4. Għaliex għandek tixtri mingħandna mhux mingħand fornituri oħra?
1. Il-kumpanija tagħna għandha aktar minn 20 sena esperjenza mill-1994. 2. Ikollok tim R&D 3. Mgħammar b'park Industrijali f'Shenzhen, ħdejn il-port 4. Aktar minn 200 ħaddiem fil-fabbrika, il-ħin taċ-ċomb huwa realizzabbli 5. ISO9001

5. Liema servizzi nistgħu nipprovdu?
Termini ta 'Kunsinna Aċċettati: FOB, EXW, DDP, DDU;
Munita tal-Ħlas Aċċettata: USD, EUR, CNY;
Tip ta 'Ħlas Aċċettat: T / T, L / C, Unjoni tal-Punent, Flus kontanti;
Lingwa Mitkellma:Ingliż, Ċiniż
bi trej: 5kg 6PCS / CTN / 51 * 30 * 26cm / 30KG mingħajr trej: 3.5kg 9PCS / CTN / 41 * 27 * 19cm / 31.5KG
product modern housewife with the same creative cute pattern tea set home hospitality ceramic teapot tea cup set-50
product modern housewife with the same creative cute pattern tea set home hospitality ceramic teapot tea cup set-51
product modern housewife with the same creative cute pattern tea set home hospitality ceramic teapot tea cup set-52
product modern housewife with the same creative cute pattern tea set home hospitality ceramic teapot tea cup set-53
product modern housewife with the same creative cute pattern tea set home hospitality ceramic teapot tea cup set-54
product modern housewife with the same creative cute pattern tea set home hospitality ceramic teapot tea cup set-55
product modern housewife with the same creative cute pattern tea set home hospitality ceramic teapot tea cup set-56
product modern housewife with the same creative cute pattern tea set home hospitality ceramic teapot tea cup set-57
product modern housewife with the same creative cute pattern tea set home hospitality ceramic teapot tea cup set-58
product modern housewife with the same creative cute pattern tea set home hospitality ceramic teapot tea cup set-59
product modern housewife with the same creative cute pattern tea set home hospitality ceramic teapot tea cup set-60
product modern housewife with the same creative cute pattern tea set home hospitality ceramic teapot tea cup set-61

Ikseb Kwotazzjoni Ħieles

Ir-rappreżentant tagħna jikkuntattjak dalwaqt.
Isem il-Kumpanija

Ikseb Kwotazzjoni Ħieles

Ir-rappreżentant tagħna jikkuntattjak dalwaqt.
Isem il-Kumpanija


Għandek mistoqsijiet dwar il-kumpanija tagħna ?

It-tim tal-bejgħ professjonali tagħna qed jistenna l-konsultazzjoni tiegħek.

Ikseb Kwotazzjoni

Ikseb Kwotazzjoni Ħieles

Ir-rappreżentant tagħna jikkuntattjak dalwaqt.
Isem il-Kumpanija

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