il-kategoriji kollha
set tat-te

paġna prinċipali / prodotti / set tat-te

Nordic Ins drinkware tea set porċellana set creative ceramic teapot tray flower teacup with gift box
Nordic Ins drinkware tea set porċellana set creative ceramic teapot tray flower teacup with gift box
Nordic Ins drinkware tea set porċellana set creative ceramic teapot tray flower teacup with gift box
Nordic Ins drinkware tea set porċellana set creative ceramic teapot tray flower teacup with gift box
Nordic Ins drinkware tea set porċellana set creative ceramic teapot tray flower teacup with gift box
Nordic Ins drinkware tea set porċellana set creative ceramic teapot tray flower teacup with gift box
Nordic Ins drinkware tea set porċellana set creative ceramic teapot tray flower teacup with gift box
Nordic Ins drinkware tea set porċellana set creative ceramic teapot tray flower teacup with gift box
Nordic Ins drinkware tea set porċellana set creative ceramic teapot tray flower teacup with gift box
Nordic Ins drinkware tea set porċellana set creative ceramic teapot tray flower teacup with gift box
Nordic Ins drinkware tea set porċellana set creative ceramic teapot tray flower teacup with gift box
Nordic Ins drinkware tea set porċellana set creative ceramic teapot tray flower teacup with gift box

Nordic Ins drinkware tea set porċellana set creative ceramic teapot tray flower teacup with gift box

deskrizzjoni tal-prodott
Nordic ins drinkware gourd tea set porcelain tea set creative ceramic teapot tray flower teacup with gift box supplier
Nordic ins drinkware gourd tea set porcelain tea set creative ceramic teapot tray flower teacup with gift box details
Nordic ins drinkware gourd tea set porcelain tea set creative ceramic teapot tray flower teacup with gift box manufacture
Nordic ins drinkware gourd tea set porcelain tea set creative ceramic teapot tray flower teacup with gift box manufacture
Nordic ins drinkware gourd tea set porcelain tea set creative ceramic teapot tray flower teacup with gift box manufacture
Nordic ins drinkware gourd tea set porcelain tea set creative ceramic teapot tray flower teacup with gift box factory
Nordic ins drinkware gourd tea set porcelain tea set creative ceramic teapot tray flower teacup with gift box factory
Tip ta' oġġetti tax-xorb
settijiet tal-kafè u tax-xajja
stil ta' disinn
sostenibbli, imħażen
post tal-oriġini
isem tal-marka
xerrej kummerċjali
isem tal-prodott
ħallieq tax-xgħir
oġġetti tax-xorb
kliem ewlieni
kopja tal-kafè tal-porċellana taċ-ċeramika
abjad, vjola
kaxxa rigal
ippakkjar u kunsinna
Nordic ins drinkware gourd tea set porcelain tea set creative ceramic teapot tray flower teacup with gift box factory
Nordic ins drinkware gourd tea set porcelain tea set creative ceramic teapot tray flower teacup with gift box factory
ippakkjar bl-ingrossa;
Profil tal-kumpanija
Nordic ins drinkware gourd tea set porcelain tea set creative ceramic teapot tray flower teacup with gift box supplier
Nordic ins drinkware gourd tea set porcelain tea set creative ceramic teapot tray flower teacup with gift box details
Nordic ins drinkware gourd tea set porcelain tea set creative ceramic teapot tray flower teacup with gift box details
Shenzhen Tao Hui Industrial Co., Ltd. hija manifattur ta 'porċina tal-għadam, porċina tal-mejda tal-porċina bajda, settijiet tat-te, koppji tal-porċina u fjuri tal-karta b'tagħmir ta' ttestjar mgħammar sew u forza teknika b'saħħitha. Il
1. Min aħna?
aħna bbażati f'Guangdong, iċ-Ċina, tibda mill-1994, ibiegħu għall-Ewropa tal-Punent ((40.00%), Oċeanja ((20.00%), Amerika tat-Tramuntana ((10.00%), suq domestiku ((10.00%), Nofs il-Lvant ((10.00%), Asja tax-Xlokk ((10.00%), As

2. kif nistgħu niżguraw il-kwalità?
dejjem kampjun ta' qabel il-produzzjoni qabel il-produzzjoni tal-massa;
dejjem spezzjoni finali qabel it-tbaħħir;

3. x'tista' tixtri minna?
prodotti tal-porċellana

4. għaliex għandek tixtri minna u mhux minn fornituri oħra?
1. il-kumpanija tagħna għandhom aktar minn 20 sena esperjenza mill-1994. 2. għandhom tim ta' R&D 3. mgħammra b'park industrijali f'Shenzhen, qrib il-port 4. aktar minn 200 ħaddiem fil-fabbrika, il-ħin ta' l-wasla huwa realjabbli 5. ISO9001

5. liema servizzi nistgħu noffru?
termini ta' kunsinna aċċettati: fob, exw, ddp, ddu;
il-munita tal-ħlas aċċettata:usd,eur,cny;
Tip ta' ħlas aċċettat: t/t,l/c,western union,flus kontanti;
Lingwa mitkellma:Ingliż, Ċiniż

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