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Tea cup and saucer

Doma /  Izdelkov /  Skodelica za čaj in krožnik

Finland vintage hand-painted flower ceramic cup retro niche porcelain ceramics tea cup set latte coffee cup and saucer
Finland vintage hand-painted flower ceramic cup retro niche porcelain ceramics tea cup set latte coffee cup and saucer
Finland vintage hand-painted flower ceramic cup retro niche porcelain ceramics tea cup set latte coffee cup and saucer
Finland vintage hand-painted flower ceramic cup retro niche porcelain ceramics tea cup set latte coffee cup and saucer
Finland vintage hand-painted flower ceramic cup retro niche porcelain ceramics tea cup set latte coffee cup and saucer
Finland vintage hand-painted flower ceramic cup retro niche porcelain ceramics tea cup set latte coffee cup and saucer
Finland vintage hand-painted flower ceramic cup retro niche porcelain ceramics tea cup set latte coffee cup and saucer
Finland vintage hand-painted flower ceramic cup retro niche porcelain ceramics tea cup set latte coffee cup and saucer
Finland vintage hand-painted flower ceramic cup retro niche porcelain ceramics tea cup set latte coffee cup and saucer
Finland vintage hand-painted flower ceramic cup retro niche porcelain ceramics tea cup set latte coffee cup and saucer
Finland vintage hand-painted flower ceramic cup retro niche porcelain ceramics tea cup set latte coffee cup and saucer
Finland vintage hand-painted flower ceramic cup retro niche porcelain ceramics tea cup set latte coffee cup and saucer

Finska vintage ročno poslikana cvetlična keramična skodelica retro nišna porcelanska keramika čajna skodelica za kavo latte skodelica in krožnik

Profil podjetja

Shenzhen Tao Hui Industrial Co., Ltd. je proizvajalec kostnega porcelana, belega porcelanskega namiznega pribora, čajnih setov, porcelanskih skodelic in papirnatih cvetov z dobro opremljeno opremo za testiranje in močno tehnično silo. Naša letna proizvodna zmogljivost je več kot 70 milijonov kosov dnevnega porcelana.

Naša letna izvozna prodaja porcelana znaša približno 12.000.000 USD. Naši izdelki se večinoma izvažajo v ZDA, EU, Rusijo, Šrilanko, Avstralijo in Južno Afriko. Naši izdelki so v celoti skladni s kalifornijskimi standardi. Novi modeli in vzorci naših izdelkov, vzorci naših izdelkov so si osvojili pohvale kupcev doma in v tujini. Vsak izdelek je kristalizacija uma in umetnosti.

product finland vintage hand painted flower ceramic cup retro niche porcelain ceramics tea cup set latte coffee cup and saucer-49
1. Kdo smo?
Imamo sedež v Guangdongu na Kitajskem, začnemo od leta 1994, prodajamo v zahodno Evropo (40,00%), Oceanijo (20,00%), Severno Ameriko (10,00%), domači trg (10,00%), Srednji vzhod (10,00%), jugovzhodno Azijo (10,00%). V naši pisarni je skupaj okoli 51-100 ljudi.

2. Kako lahko zagotovimo kakovost?
Vedno predproizvodni vzorec pred množično proizvodnjo;
Vedno končni pregled pred odpremo;

3. Kaj lahko kupite pri nas?
Porcelanski izdelki

4. Zakaj bi morali kupovati pri nas in ne pri drugih dobaviteljih?
1. Naše podjetje ima več kot 20 let izkušenj od leta 1994. 2. Imejte ekipo za raziskave in razvoj 3. Opremljen z industrijskim parkom v Shenzhenu, v bližini pristanišča 4. Več kot 200 delavcev v tovarni, čas izvedbe je uresničljiv 5. ISO9001

5. Katere storitve lahko nudimo?
Sprejeti pogoji dostave: FOB, EXW, DDP, DDU;
Sprejeta plačilna valuta: USD, EUR, CNY;
Sprejeta vrsta plačila: T / T, L / C, Western Union, gotovina;
Jezik, ki ga v nastanitvi govorijo:angleščina, kitajščina
48 kosov / CTN / 67 * 34 * 51 cm / 14 kg
product finland vintage hand painted flower ceramic cup retro niche porcelain ceramics tea cup set latte coffee cup and saucer-50
product finland vintage hand painted flower ceramic cup retro niche porcelain ceramics tea cup set latte coffee cup and saucer-51
product finland vintage hand painted flower ceramic cup retro niche porcelain ceramics tea cup set latte coffee cup and saucer-52
product finland vintage hand painted flower ceramic cup retro niche porcelain ceramics tea cup set latte coffee cup and saucer-53
product finland vintage hand painted flower ceramic cup retro niche porcelain ceramics tea cup set latte coffee cup and saucer-54
product finland vintage hand painted flower ceramic cup retro niche porcelain ceramics tea cup set latte coffee cup and saucer-55
product finland vintage hand painted flower ceramic cup retro niche porcelain ceramics tea cup set latte coffee cup and saucer-56
product finland vintage hand painted flower ceramic cup retro niche porcelain ceramics tea cup set latte coffee cup and saucer-57
product finland vintage hand painted flower ceramic cup retro niche porcelain ceramics tea cup set latte coffee cup and saucer-58
product finland vintage hand painted flower ceramic cup retro niche porcelain ceramics tea cup set latte coffee cup and saucer-59
product finland vintage hand painted flower ceramic cup retro niche porcelain ceramics tea cup set latte coffee cup and saucer-60
product finland vintage hand painted flower ceramic cup retro niche porcelain ceramics tea cup set latte coffee cup and saucer-61
product finland vintage hand painted flower ceramic cup retro niche porcelain ceramics tea cup set latte coffee cup and saucer-62
product finland vintage hand painted flower ceramic cup retro niche porcelain ceramics tea cup set latte coffee cup and saucer-63
product finland vintage hand painted flower ceramic cup retro niche porcelain ceramics tea cup set latte coffee cup and saucer-64

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